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Multistream or Restream your stream!


Hello guys & girls and welcome to e-arena.gr!!!!
Yesterday I made a guide on how you can make your own restream server, I hope it is clean and helpful for you as it was/is for me!
I would like to explain why such a service is needed, you see, small channels, like mine, might get a few viewers here and there while I am streaming to youtube or twitch or mixer,
so if I could somehow stream at 2 or more of those sites perhaps I could get more viewers combined!
And indeed that was the case for me, instead of having 20 viewers in one service, I had 100+ in all of them using restream.io service.

Restream.io is free but this can change in the future and they could ask for money if you want to have this service…
Instead of paying restream.io and having their site adding to my channels ads about them, I decided to make my own restream server!

For those who are not very tech oriented people I would try to analyse what does that mean.

If I want to stream to multiple sites from my home, I basically can’t because my upload speed ain’t that good! With only 5mbps upload (Thanks Greek ISPs!!!) streaming to more than 1 streaming channel = suicide!
Instead I stream to my VPS as I would stream to 1 of my channels and my VPS that has way better upload speeds than me, streams my videos to all my channels!
How cool is that???

The link for the guide is here: https://www.e-arena.gr/all-guide-list/stream-to-multiple-streaming-services/ 

Having questions? Please post in the comments!

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